I help men and women come home to themselves, so that they may find a home in each other. And through the spiritual partnerships they create together, become leaders of love that change the world one relationship at a time.

It is through my earliest experiences of needing to make sense of my parents’ failing relationship and feel safe in an environment of danger and quiet chaos that informed what would become the Embodied Relating and the Warrior Embodiment processes I now use to help others.

I specialize in running intensive coaching programs that deliver massive permanent transformation in minimal time.

I also consult companies and corporations as a subject matter expert on topics relating to men, masculinity, relationships, and emotional health. 

My writing is regularly featured in various publications and I am the author of Relationship Samurai – a Man’s Guide to Owning Himself & Mastering His Relationships.

At this time, I am only working with women through the Led by Love program. For men seeking coaching, please see this list of coaches: Resources for Men

From an early age, I have been able to see the unique parts of people that they cannot see in themselves. Through deliberate questions and careful statements, I open their eyes to what they couldn’t see. And through embodiment, I help them become those things.