Lessons from a mother 


With age comes wisdom, of this I know 

From effort comes strength – it’s how we grow 


The perfect example of this is my mum 

She would stand and face, and rarely run 


Her own experiences involved much pain 

She knew that after the sun, there must be rain 


She taught me to expect strife 

And that hardship would be intrinsic with my life… 


That every challenge prepares you for the next 

Struggle is reality and peace is just rest 


She encouraged me to be forgiving, just one of her traits 

To pursue love, and to avoid hate 


Demonstration was her means of teaching 

No lectures or shouting, no preaching 


I saw her overcome some terrible times 

Yet still find forgiveness for those bad people and their crimes 


Her greatest lesson however, came when the end was near 

At a time when most let go, she hung on, she persevered 


As we watched her fade and she didn’t have long 

Something within her just kept on, something divine, something strong 


Incredibly, in her last moments she had one last lesson to give 

And so even in death, she taught us how to live 



21 years old