When the people closest to you don’t have a Conscious Partnership...

When your parents didn’t have that…

Your friends don’t even believe in it…

Your colleagues use work as a place to COMPLAIN about their husbands...

The single people you know are slowly convincing you that all men are trash...

Even the ‘relationship experts’ you follow online are single…

And celebrities with millions of dollars at their disposal still can’t keep it together…

The odds are against you.

NOT because of anything external to you.

But because of the PROGRAMMING all this is doing to your subconscious.


Men aren't trash. Conscious Partnerships do exist. And yes they are rare...

But not because they are a rarified commodity that God only hands out 3 times a year.


And so women out there are doing exactly what every other unhappy woman is doing, but hoping for a different outcome.

Sometimes even EXPECTING a different outcome - which as you know is the definition of...... 🤐

But the reverse is also true.

If you want what so few people have, you can have it.


If everyone's relationship situation sucks... then do what they *aren't* doing.

Because if your life looks like theirs, your words sound like theirs and your thoughts are the same as theirs...

How, other than through literally a miracle, will anything come to you other than the suckiness they are stuck in?


You know all the interviews you've seen us do with these beaming, shining women who are telling us all about their Conscious Partnerships, amazing husbands/new partners and personal transformations etc?

They're great. And we love them.

But the truth is, they aren't 'special'.

Special to us and in their own way, of course ❤️

But different from YOU?


The 'ploblem' with those interviews, while designed specifically to give you hope for what's possible, is that you only get to see these women 'after'.

Because if you saw how down/exhausted/hurt/without hope they were BEFORE we helped them, you would likely empathize immediately.

The ONLY thing that really sets them apart, is the radical investment they made in THEMSELVES.

It's not about Beth and I doing some magic on them 🧙‍♀️🧙‍♂️

It's that the signal they sent to their own subconscious, to the Universe, and what becomes IMMEDIATELY tangible to the people (and men) around them that does the magic.


The reason almost no women you know are in a Conscious Partnership with an amazing man?

They haven't created a Conscious Partnership with themselves and discovered their own amazingness.

The reason they don't get to feel a man radically commit to them?

They haven't RADICALLY committed to themselves.

(Which is not the same as making lots of random mini commitments or positive affirmations)

But little do they know, that THE MOMENT they do...

Their outer reality changes, because it simply reflects what's now happening in their inner world.

That's the 'magic' ✨