The Softest Men Will Often Hurt You Most

The man who 'worships the Goddess'...

Wants eveyone to know he's a 'male feminist'...

And disowns his masculine impulses...

Inevitably attracts and is attracted to the woman who's inner template for all men is 'guilty until proven innocent'.

Because they both unconsciously signed the agreement that the onus is automatically on him to prove his non-guilt.

Him because he is still compulsively seeking mummy's love and approval...

And her because society has given a green light to live in her trauma-response presumption that all men are bad.

Instead of inviting her to heal.

And inviting him to grow up.

The problem is that his validation seeking looks like masculine integrity, but is actually a screaming inner child.

And her mistrust can look like healthy self-protection, but is actually an adrenalised inner teenager.

They attract each other like magnets...

And inevitably end in disaster.

Every. Single. Time.