Why You Don't Have What You Want in Life

Your life isn't the way you want it to be because you don't do enough things that scare you.

Something I learned from a friend recently about 'comfort zones'...

There's no such thing.

It's actually a 'familiar zone'.

I.e: less scary.

Your life is almost certainly uncomfortable.

Everyone's is.

But as long as you stay in the familiar zone, at least you can be uncomfortable while knowing what tommorow brings.

(More discomfort).

The reason you don't venture out into the Unfamiliar Zone...

Is because your emotional body can't hold the energy of uncertainty.

The problem is...

The place where defeat is a real possibility...

Is the only place where SUCCESS can be found.

So you stay in the familiar discomfort in the name of avoiding defeat.

If you're honest, you'll admit this is what you're doing.

If you're not, you'll make up some excuse about how it's someone else's fault that you feel stuck in life.

How exhausting.

Why not just do the scary thing?

Quit the job. Start the business. Make the investment. Ask the girl out. Take the fight. Roll the dice.

One of the things all successful people have in common:

High tolerance for risk.

PS - I lost this fight. Zero regrets.