The Smell of Hard Work

There are a few ways in which I feel quite wolf-like, as a man.

One of these is my sense of smell; it’s extremely sensitive.

I remember once when I was in high school as we were all emptying out of the classroom at the end of the day, someone had left a book behind. There were only a couple of us left in the room when the teacher asked if we knew to whom this book without a name on belonged to. Like a weirdo, I smelled it, and instantly identified its owner.

As I continue to develop a sense of realness in my life, including getting closer to nature and away from industrialized living, I’ve come to realize I have very little tolerance for aftershaves and colognes.

My body has a strong ‘no’ response to all perfumes, no matter what fancy brand produced them.

And yet I’ve still liked the idea of smelling ‘manly’.

After throwing out all my expensive smelly things three years ago, I’ve searched for something natural to replace it, including playing around with essential oils myself.

In the end, I finally found the smell that works for me…

It’s the smell of the grass I just cut.

The leaves I just burned.

The WD-40 I just used to fix that squeaky hinge.

The boiled linseed oil I just used on that axe handle.

The pine needles from the Christmas tree I just brought home.

The leather pads I held for my son who I’m teaching to box.

The dinner I just cooked for my family.

Shoe polish.








These are my new favourite scents. And while I was originally tempted to say they all come for free… the truth is they are extremely expensive.

Because they are paid for in skills.

Some of which I learned from my parents, who learned them from theirs.
