Real Men Tell Their Women What to Do*

Tell your woman…

To quit that job she hates because you’re going to provide for both of you. Tell her nothing is worth her being burnt out and exhausted and the light and joy she’ll naturally bring into your relationship when she is living freely is priceless to you.

Tell her to stop eating anything ‘low fat’, ‘diet’, or ‘slimming’, and to eat only what feels self-loving in her body. Tell her to buy the expensive stuff – organic, grass-fed, free-roaming, unpasteurized – and that you’re paying for it. Farms over factories wherever possible.

Tell her she doesn’t need to go to the gym. Her feminine body probably doesn’t really want to be triggered into fight or flight with high-intensity classes, or masculinized by high-impact movements. Tell her to ask her body how it would like to move instead – free dancing, gardening, chasing the kids around barefoot on the grass – whatever feels energizing instead of depleting for her. More ‘flow’, less ‘go’. Tell her you love her softness, and if you wanted someone with a hard body you’d have got with a dude.

Tell her to stop taking the contraceptive pill. Tell her that you regard the natural cycle of her hormones as sacred, and the thought of her causing disruption or harm at the core of her woman-ness feels painful in your body. Tell her you’ll both attune to and track her cycle instead. And… if she does get pregnant that’s fine because you won’t run away and will keep your beautiful family safe and thriving and that raising a child with this woman feels good in your soul.

Tell her to stop trying too hard, or caring what people think. Tell her she doesn’t need to prove herself to anyone and that most of the ways society has told her to prove her ‘worth’ is at best bullshit and likely oppression disguised as liberation. Tell her that the light she naturally emits when she lives in alignment with what her heart wants is the most impressive thing in the world.

Tell her to stop being so busy all the time and go and do whatever the frik lights her up. Tell her that the happiness she embodies when she has made time for herself is more important to you than her ‘working hard’. Tell her that you love how committed she is to taking care of your home, but not at the cost of her wellbeing. Tell her you’ll pay for a cleaner or whatever is needed.

Tell her to say ‘no’ more often. Including, and especially, to YOU. Tell her that every time she can feel in her body that something is a 'no' for her, and sets a boundary to keep herself safe, you respect her even more. Tell her it makes you feel safe too because it means you’re in less danger of hurting her unintentionally.

Tell her to make God more important in her life than you. Tell her that all the love and safety she seeks is already there for her, and that while you are committed to providing these things for her too, you are not and never can be her Higher Power. Tell her you’re both beautifully flawed human beings trying your best, and making God's Love your primary source of love is essential. For both of you.

Then, when you're done telling her...

Do everything you said you'd do.

*This is a deliberately tongue-in-cheek title. Don’t get hung up on the content - just feel the intent. Everyone is free to live how they want.