Help! I Don't Find Her Attractive Anymore!

Help! I Don't Find Her Attractive Anymore!

In interviewing men and couples, I've come to learn that perhaps the single biggest complaint men have in relationship is losing attraction to their woman.

Their stories almost always follow the same pattern; they found their partner attractive at first, then over time there was a gradual decrease is sex, attraction and passion OR there was a major event such has having a child or a major upset that killed off the sex, attraction and passion is one foul swoop. 

The key difference though, is the perspective the man takes on who's fault it is...

How To Beat Yourself Up

How To Beat Yourself Up

You're most likely aware of the 'carrot and the stick' concept. The idea is simple; when trying to lead a donkey, you can dangle a carrot in front of its face (pleasure incentive) or you can whip it with a stick (pain incentive)

Many life coaches are all about that carrot. They love to keep the clients smiling... even when they're failing. Because it's all about being happy, right? Well, not always. In the bigger picture of your life, happiness is central. But in getting there, sometimes results come first in the pursuit of happiness.

The Relationship MYTH You Must Forget Now

The Relationship MYTH You Must Forget Now

I was with friends recently when the subject of 'the honeymoon period' came up. It quickly became apparent to me that people seem to have a rigid belief that all long-term relationships have this point at which, inevitably, things start to go south. 

Curious, I asked around to see what people consider to be signs that the honeymoon period - that joyful, exciting phase at the very beginning of a relationship - is over.

Here's what came back to me...

The Bow - yes, you do look insane

The Bow - yes, you do look insane

Human beings, masculine ones especially, store tension in the body and often in the front of their bodies. Frowning, squinting, raising the eyebrows, grimacing, clenching the jaw and grinding the teeth – emotional tension manifested in the muscles of the face and neck. Slouching and rounded shoulders, this is tightness in the chest and abdominal region and even the hips...